
Convenience Store Diary no.21: Fluffy Pancake with Cheesecake and Condensed Milk Cream Filling (7-11)
Hi everyone, this is J.
Let’s get straight to today’s product, “Fluffy Pancake with Cheesecake and Condensed Milk Cream Filing”, from 7-11. ¥168 without tax.
First off, it’s a bit small. Looks like you’ll polish it off quickly, doesn’t it? As far as the flavor goes, just like the label says, the whole thing’s wrapped up in a fluffy, moist, Japanese dora-yaki-style pancake. I couldn’t really taste the condensed milk much, so this is probably ok even for people who aren’t big fans of condensed milk. This goes along with a tubular dollop of cheesecake filling right in the middle.
The cheesecake filling is pretty much what you’d expect it to be. All in all, this doesn’t offer up any surprises and gives you exactly what it says on the label. To be honest, I probably won’t buy it again.
I guess I can recommend it to anyone who wants a cheap way to get their cheesecake fix.
Catch you next time.